ML401395 Mischer, 0,55 kW, 95 U/min

ML401395 Mischer, 0,55 kW, 95 U/min

Preis netto:
€1 224,56
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Features ML401395 Mischer, 0,55 kW, 95 U/min

Anzahl der Umdrehungen, U/min
Durchmesser der Schraube, mm
Leistung, kW
Das Material
AISI 304 Rostfreier Stahl
3x380V, 50Hz
Länge, mm
1 300
Produkte aus der gleichen Kategorie
€1 137,83
Nur vorbestellen
€1 774,67
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Nur vorbestellen


Blade mixer - equipment for mixing, which consists of a drive gear motor and a blade-type working body. The mixing unit consists of a propeller (screw) with two, three or four blades, depending on the model. The blades are curved like a screw, which allows the liquid in the mixing process to circulate not only in the horizontal but also in the vertical plane, moving along the axis. Due to the unique design features, the agitator can provide full circulation of the liquid medium in the tank, spending a minimum of mechanical energy. The purpose of the paddle agitator -The design of the equipment allows it to perform the following functions: -Dissolve and convert into emulsions any kind of viscosity of liquids; -Raise and turbidify solid sediment in liquids, with its mass content not exceeding 15% and particle size up to 0.2 mm; -Mix fibrous materials; -Optimize temperature parameters in the liquid; -Increase the intensity of heat exchange.

Dokumentation ML401395 Mischer, 0,55 kW, 95 U/min

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