Aluminum hydroxide, technical type YH-AH, H-WF-3/5

Aluminum hydroxide, technical type YH-AH, H-WF-3/5

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Features Aluminum hydroxide, technical type YH-AH, H-WF-3/5

BTS Engineering
Al (OH) 3
Country of Origin
making aluminum chemicals, making paper packaging, making waterproof fabrics, manufacture of alumina products, roller conveyor manufacturing, glass and glaze production, glassware making, making ink, cryolite production, inorganic salt production, aluminum sulfate production, aluminum fluoride production
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Aluminum hydroxide can be used for the production of alumina products. For the production of aluminum fluoride, cryolite, aluminum sulfate and other inorganic salts. It is used in the manufacture of various fire-resistant, waterproof fabrics, ink, glassware, paper packaging, roller coaster, and other accessories. Application: As a raw material in the production of aluminum chemicals; Raw material for the production of glass and glaze; Flame retardant additive for the epoxy resin system; Flame retardant and smoke extinguishing filler in plastics (for example: BMC/DMC/SMC and carpet substrates) Огн Flame retardant and smoke extinguishing agent filler in cable compound, rubber products; Polishing and cleaning agent; Filler of onyx and artificial marble surfaces.

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