TiO2-Based Sulfur Recovery Catalyst YH-CC-001

TiO2-Based Sulfur Recovery Catalyst YH-CC-001

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Features TiO2-Based Sulfur Recovery Catalyst YH-CC-001

BTS Engineering
Pour density, kg/m3
Diameter, mm
Country of Origin
sulfur recovery
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This is a new type of TiO2-based catalyst with special additives for the extraction of sulfur. Its comprehensive characteristics and technical performance have reached the world's advanced level, and it occupies a leading position in the domestic industry. Higher activity for the organic sulfide hydrolysis reaction and the Claus reaction of H2S and SO2, almost approaching thermodynamic equilibrium. Claus activity and hydrolysis activity do not affect the "O2 leak". High activity, suitable for high speed and smaller rector volume. Longer service life without the formation of sulfates due to the fluctuation of the process with regular catalysts. Application and operating conditions : Suitable for Claus sulfur recovery plants in the petrochemical and coal chemical industries, as well as for the recovery of sulfur in the catalytic oxidation process, such as Clinsuef, etc. It can be loaded with a full layer in any rector or in combination with other catalysts of various types or functions. Used in the primary reactor, it can contribute to the rate of hydrolysis of organic sulfur, in the secondary and tertiary reactors to increase the total conversion of sulfur. Packaging and transportation: Packed in a cardboard barrel lined with polypropylene, net weight:40Kg(or on request). The packaging prevents moisture, rolling, sudden shaking, during rain and transportation.

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