Vertical Wind Turbine For Roof X type 2kW

Vertical Wind Turbine For Roof X type 2kW

R&X Energy
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Features Vertical Wind Turbine For Roof X type 2kW

R&X Energy
Cut-in Speed, m/s
Overload Protection
Electromagnetic Brake
Survival Speed, m/s
Blades Material
glass fibre
Blades Length, m
Wind Generator Type
Permanent magnet, magnetic levitation and coreless disc type generator
Rated power, kW
Wheel Diameter, m
Working environment humidness
All features


X-type vertical wind turbines are more efficient than traditional wind turbines due to their unique blade design. They have a more compact design and can easily fit into small spaces, making them ideal for residential applications. The main advantages of a vertical axis wind turbine are that they can operate efficiently at low wind speeds, making them ideal for urban and suburban areas where winds are often rough and unpredictable. They require a smaller footprint to generate the same amount of energy as horizontal wind turbines. Their design makes it easier to access the components of the wind turbine, facilitating maintenance and repair. Vertical wind turbines operate at lower blade speeds and are less likely to harm birds and bats. Vertical wind turbines are also often considered more aesthetically pleasing and less intrusive than horizontal wind turbines.

Documentation Vertical Wind Turbine For Roof X type 2kW

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