A pressure reducing valve is designed as a direct-acting proportional regulator that does not require an auxiliary power supply to reduce and regulate a high inlet pressure to a lower outlet pressure. The pressure is regulated after the valve, i.e. when the pressure rises, the valve closes. When a pressure reducing valve uses water vapour and liquids with a temperature higher than the allowable temperature, a condensate tank is required.
Pressure reducing valves are used in the equipment of enterprises in the food, energy, pulp and paper, metallurgical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, chemical and other industries.
Pressure reducing valves provide flow control without the need for an electric or pneumatic actuator. They are equipped with a condensate tank that protects the drive diaphragm at high ambient temperatures.
Documentation Pressure reducing valve DN65, WCB body, pressure inlet 5 bar outlet 3 bar, steam, 1000 kg/h
Download instructions, catalog for Pressure reducing valve DN65, WCB body, pressure inlet 5 bar outlet 3 bar, steam, 1000 kg/h