Epuration column

Epuration column

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Features Epuration column

BTS Engineering
stainless steel, copper
Capacity of the colum
from 200 to 40 000
Button type
valve, sieve, mnogokolpachkovaya, valve EDV
Working pressure
vacuum, Atmosphere pressure, overpressure
Type of heating/cooling
outdoor heating steam, indoor steam heating, steam heating rekuperatyvny
isopropyl, oil, solvent, alcohol, raw material, plot, ethanol
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The epuration column is intended for purification of the brazing distillate from the head impurities (esters, aldehydes and methanol), concentration and excretion through the condenser in the form of the head fraction of ethyl alcohol. The epuration column consists of two parts - the boiling and concentration, and under the condition of the supply of hydroselection from the three-welded, hydroselection and concentration.

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