The distillery dreg drying line 1-1.2 tons per hour of finished DDGS product.
Initial humidity of raw materials (Cake): 63% ± 1%; raw material productivity (Cake): 2.5 -3.0 t / h;
DDGs humidity after drying: 10 ± 1%; final product Yield: 1.0 -1.2 t / h;
Maximum temperature of the incoming hot air flow: 600-700°C. Exhaust gas temperature: 70 -80°C;
Drying temperature: no more than 65°C;
Main equipment:
1. Drum dryer model DLJG 2010/3-1 set,
2. Auxiliary equipment for heat supply, drying, dust extraction, conveyors and electrical control;
Fuel pellet consumption: 320 - 380 kg / h;
Total installed electrical power: 112.1 KW/ H; rated electrical power: 103± 10 kw / h;
Required space for placing the drying line: 25m * 8m * 8m
Number of personnel for each shift: 2 apparatchiks.
Documentation The distillery dreg drying line 1-1. 2 tons per hour of finished DDGS product
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