Corn, wheat, and other types of starch-containing raw materials can be used as raw materials for the production of bioethanol.
The design and construction of a bioethanol plant can be divided into the following sequential stages:
* Pre-project work
• Project development
* Project expertise
* Obtaining permission to start construction
• Construction
• Commissioning
• Production certification
• Production output
Pre-project work includes
* Development of technical specifications (customer + designer)
* Obtaining urban planning conditions and restrictions on the site;
* Obtaining technical specifications for the connection of energy carriers.
* Obtaining a technical specification for the production of bioethanol (purchase)
* Development of factory regulations for the production of bioethanol
Project development
The design of the object of the class of consequences of SS3 is carried out in three stages
1. Feasibility study stage (feasibility study)
2. Stage P (project)
3. Stage W (working documentation)
Project expertise
It is carried out in a specialized organization that has a permit for the examination of projects with the CC3 impact class. Stage P is submitted for examination.
Obtaining a permit to start construction takes place in DABI after receiving a positive expert opinion.
Construction can be divided into several stages:
* Preparatory work
• General construction works
* Installation of process equipment
* Landscaping
• Commissioning
* Commissioning works
* Delivery of finished production
As a result, you can get the following commercial products:
• Bioethanol
• Protein vitamin concentrate
Video Construction of a plant for the production of bioethanol from starch-containing raw materials