TEGAMYL AG90L is a liquid concentrated amyloglucosidase used in the production of alcohol from grain and other starchy materials. TEGAMYL AG90L meets the specifications of the food grade enzyme, as well as the FAO / WHO recommendations, as well as the FCC, and is classified as a Gras class enzyme preparation.
Action: cereals and potato crumbs diluted with amylases, such as TEGAMYL BLHL or TEGAMYL BL24L, contain dextrins that are hydrolyzed by TEGAMYL AG90L to fermented sugars.
Application: TEGAMYL AG90L is added to the diluted crumb at a temperature of about 55 - 60 ° C. At this temperature, saccharification takes place at a high rate. Aging during saccharification is not required, since saccharification continues throughout fermentation, although at a slower rate.
Product form: amber liquid with a specific gravity of 1.10 - 1.20 g / ml.
Packaging: 25 kg cans, 220 kg barrels, 1100 kg containers.