Yeast Oеnoferm C2, 1 kg

Yeast Oеnoferm C2, 1 kg

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Features Yeast Oеnoferm C2, 1 kg

500g (0,5kg)
Operating temperature
Optimal pH
Operating pH
Optimal temperature
Country of Origin


The price is specified for 1 kg, packing - 0,5 kg. Application of Oanoferm C2 in the alcohol industry. In alcohol production, industrial yeast is prepared from dry yeast Oanoferm C2 at the rate of 0.1 g of yeast per 1 liter of wort and creating conditions necessary for the reproduction of yeast, but inhibiting the development of extraneous microflora. Such conditions are achieved while maintaining the pH value of the yeast wort from 3.8-4.5. Acidification of yeast wort is carried out with sulfuric acid. The wort is prepared from non-skinned or small-skinned raw materials with a concentration of dry matter (dry matter) from 16-18% (according to the sugar meter or refractometer) according to the modes of thermoenzymatic or hydroenzymatic processing of raw materials adopted at the enterprise. When working with wort with a higher DM concentration, the wort concentration for production yeast is also increased. When processing rye, it is allowed to reduce the wort concentration to 14.5-15% DM. To increase the degree of saccharification, an additional amount of an enzyme preparation, a source of glucoamylase, is added to weaning grain wort taken from the main production at the rate of 0.2 l / m3 of wort. As food for yeast after saccharification, carbamide is used at the rate of 300-350 g / m3 of wort and phosphoric acid - 0.1-0.15 l / m3 of wort. Enzyme preparations and mineral salts are given in the form of an aqueous solution prepared in a ratio of 1:10. The dosage of mineral salts can be adjusted depending on the processed raw materials. STORAGE Unopened packs are stored in a dry dark place at t below 10 ° C for 24 months, at t 20 ° C for 12 months, t 30 ° C for 6 months. The price is for 1 kg.

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