Angel Ethanol Active Dry Yeast, package-10 kg
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Angel Ethanol Active Dry Yeast, package-10 kg фото 1 — BTS Engineering

Angel Ethanol Active Dry Yeast, package-10 kg

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Features Angel Ethanol Active Dry Yeast, package-10 kg

Operating temperature
Optimal pH
Permissible ethanol content in the brew
≤ 23%(V/V)
Max.temperature, C
Percentage of living yeast cells,%
Optimal temperature
Total amount of yeast, billion/g
≥ 25


The price is for 1 package - 10 kg. Angel Ethanol Dry Yeast is an active dry yeast used for the production of fuel ethanol. They contain a specially selected yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a highly concentrated and stable form. Ethanol yeast E was selected for use in fermentation under conditions with high concentrations of sugar and alcohol. Yeast works well at an alcohol concentration of more than 20% Vol. (16% WT.) and in the temperature range of 30-35°C. Ethanol yeast E tolerates the high content of organic acids in Mash and is well suited for use in fuel ethanol plants. Permissible ethanol content in Mash ≤ 23% Vol. (V/V)/ acid resistance: aerogenesis below ph 2.5. The optimal pH level is from 3.5-6.0. Heat resistance: withstands high temperatures up to 42°C, the optimal fermentation temperature is 32-34°C. Application: rehydration-take running water with a temperature of 38°C in an amount 10-20 times higher than the amount of dry yeast or 4 times diluted wort, mix and dissolve the dry yeast in it. If running water is used at 38°C, immediately add to the wort in the fermenter after swelling for 15-20 minutes; if 4 times diluted wort is used, continue to lower the temperature below 30°C and multiply for 2 hours, then place in the fermentation machine; direct addition of yeast to the sourdough container (periodic fermentation) - 0.25 - 0.3 g of dry yeast is added to each liter of WORT, obtaining an initial number of WORT cells of 5 million/ml. characteristics: convenient use, simplified application process, which reduces the likelihood of infection with pathogenic microflora; reproduction in a yeast generator-to reduce the consumption of dry yeast for fermentation, cultivate in a yeast generator for 8-10 hours with strict control of bacterial infection and providing the yeast with the necessary nutrient solutions . Taking into account the aging and degeneration of yeast during cultivation, the optimal dry yeast replacement cycle should be 72 hours (maximum 7 generations).

Documentation Angel Ethanol Active Dry Yeast, package-10 kg

Video Angel Ethanol Active Dry Yeast, package-10 kg

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