Angel Ethanol Red Thermal Tolerance Alcohol Active Dry Yeast, package - 0.5 kg

Angel Ethanol Red Thermal Tolerance Alcohol Active Dry Yeast, package - 0.5 kg

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Features Angel Ethanol Red Thermal Tolerance Alcohol Active Dry Yeast, package - 0.5 kg

500g (0,5kg)
Operating temperature
Permissible ethanol content in the brew
≤17% (V/V)
Max.temperature, C
Percentage of living yeast cells,%
Total amount of yeast, billion/g
≥ 25


The price is for 1 package - 0.5 kg. Angel Thermal Tolerance Alcohol Active Dry Yeast is specially developed with high-quality alcoholic yeast that is resistant to high temperature, ethanol and acids, and can be widely used in the production of fuel ethanol, food ethanol, where raw materials containing starch are used (dry sweet potatoes, corn, rice, cassava, sorghum, etc.); and sugar-containing raw materials (molasses, etc.). The permissible maximum temperature is 108°F (42°C). 82°F-108°F (28-42°C). Ethanol in Mash: ≤17% Vol. (v/v). The fermentation process can be carried out at PH 2.5, which prevents the formation and reproduction of cantominating microflora and, as a result, an increase in ethanol yield. High resistance to osmotic pressure. High reproductive capacity, low consumption. Application: it is possible to directly introduce dry yeast into the fermentation apparatus at the rate of 2.5-3 kg of yeast per 1 m3 of wort to obtain an initial number of yeast cells in the wort of 5 million/ml. Feature: easy process control, reduces the chance of bacterial contamination. Yeast generation: based on strict control of bacterial infection and providing the yeast with the necessary nutrition, the fermentation time of yeast production for fermentation is 8-10 hours to relatively reduce the consumption of dry yeast. Given the aging and degeneration of yeast during cultivation, the optimal replacement cycle for production yeast is 72 hours (maximum 7 generations).

Documentation Angel Ethanol Red Thermal Tolerance Alcohol Active Dry Yeast, package - 0.5 kg

Video Angel Ethanol Red Thermal Tolerance Alcohol Active Dry Yeast, package - 0.5 kg

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