Regular and irregular packings

Liquid Collectors (LCT)

II. Liquid Collector (LCT)

2.1 Trough Liquid Collector (LCT-T)

Trough Liquid Collector (LCT-T) (LCT-T01)

A. Trough Liquid Collector (LCT-T) (LCT-T01)
LCT-T is resistant to heat expansion and cooling contraction. It also reduces the need for on-site welding. It can be used for total or partial draw-off and/or to feed a liquid distributor below.


2.2 Chimney Tray Liquid Collector (LCT-C)

Chimney Tray Liquid Collector with Rectangular Riser (LCT-C01)

A. Chimney Tray Liquid Collector with Rectangular Riser (LCT-C01)
Capped rectangular gas risers are used for gas distribution and liquid collection, and liquid is drawn out from a side sump.

Chimney Tray Liquid Collector with Rectangular Riser and Main Trough (LCT-C02)

B. Chimney Tray Liquid Collector with Rectangular Riser and Main Trough (LCT-C02)
Capped rectangular gas risers are used for gas distribution and liquid collection, liquid is drawn out from a central trough.

Chimney Tray Liquid Collector with Round Riser (LCT-C03)

C. Chimney Tray Liquid Collector with Round Riser (LCT-C03)
Capped round gas risers are used for gas distribution and liquid collection, and liquid is drawn out from a side sump.

Chimney Tray Liquid Collector with Round Riser and Main Trough (LCT-C04)

D. Chimney Tray Liquid Collector with Round Riser and Main Trough (LCT-C04)
Capped round gas risers are used for gas distribution and liquid collection, and liquid is drawn out from a central trough.

2.3 Chevron Liquid Collector (LCT-V)

Chevron liquid collector with Annular Trough (LCT-V01)

A . Chevron liquid collector with Annular Trough (LCT-V01)
Liquid is collected through inclined plates and flows into the annular channel, reducing pressure drop and the need for on-site welding. It can be used for total or partial liquid draw-off and/or to feed a liquid distributor below from a ring channel welded to the column wall.

Chevron Liquid Collector with Center Trough (LCT-V02)

B. Chevron Liquid Collector with Center Trough (LCT-V02)
Liquid is collected through inclined plates and flows into the center trough. LCT-V02 reducing pressure drop and the need for on-site welding. Liquid total or patial draw-off and/or feed a liquid distributor below from a central trough welded to the column wall.

2.4 Wall Wiper Liquid Collector (LCT-W)

Wall Wiper Liquid Collector (LCT-W01)

A. Wall Wiper Liquid Collector (LCT-W01)
LCT-W01 collects liquid flow from the column wall.

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IRG BGL 25-125 (4/20), 0,75kW, 2880 centrifugal vertical pump — BTS Engineering
IRG BGL 25-125 (4/20), 0,75kW, 2880 centrifugal vertical pump — BTS Engineering
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