High-performance MDV tray
The tray is multi-pass and provides high efficiency in rectification and absorption process when the liquid loads are
high. Compared to traditional multi-pass tray, it can increase column capacity at least on 25%.
Main Features
- Improved multi-downcomer tray based on standard characteristics of multi pass tray
- Parallel liquid flow with same pass lengths and weir loadings in different bubbling areas. This
leads to the same vapour / liquid ratio
- Higher mass transfer efficiency by overcoming liquid maldistribution that occurs on a traditional
multi-downcomer tray having two and more downcomers
- Weir liquid loading can be decreased compared to that of 4-pass and 6-pass trays. This scenario
increases tray capacity, especially in high liquid loading
- de-H2S and de-CO2 of natural gas
- Propane dehydrogenation
- CO2 capture
- Solvent regeneration
- C2, C3 splitter
Effect of weir loading on tray