Pall Ring - this is the most common and most well-known nozzle. It is made of a thin sheet of metal and has a special structure, has two curved holes with tabs inside the wall of the nozzle, each hole has five such tabs. As a percentage, the area of the holes occupies only 30% of the area of the nozzle. Such openings allow to improve the mass transfer of liquid and gas. Pall rings are designed to fill the working volumes of the nozzles of columns and apparatuses in order to increase the intensity of heat and mass transfer processes in the equipment of chemical, petrochemical, oil refining and other industries, sewerage and water supply systems, the production of ammonia and mineral fertilizers. Pall rings refer to irregular attachments. Acid-resistant ceramic pallet nozzles are designed for filling the packing columns of other heat exchange equipment operating at a temperature of 0 to 120 degrees for acidic environments.
Article | Size (mm) |
Bulk Density 304 (kg/m3) |
Number (n/m3) |
Surface Area (m2/m3) |
Voidage | Dry Packing Factor (m-1) |
1019568 | 16 | 348 | 201000 | 344 | 95.5% | 393.2 |
1001181 | 25 | 439 | 53500 | 219 | 94.2% | 244.1 |
1008535 | 38 | 328 | 15000 | 146 | 95.9% | 154.6 |
1019569 | 50 | 315 | 6500 | 108 | 96.8% | 130.5 |
1008532 | 76 | 265 | 1920 | 69 | 97.4% | 79.6 |