Reactor with a moving layer of biofilm MBBR 16*10 mm

Reactor with a moving layer of biofilm MBBR 16*10 mm

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Features Reactor with a moving layer of biofilm MBBR 16*10 mm

BTS Engineering
Specific surface area, m2/m3
Analogue for
AMACS, Christy Catalytics, Koch-Glitsch, MACH Engineering LLC, MTE, Munters, Pall Ring Company, Ultimo Engineers, НКС DOLSIN
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MBBR Media it’s a type of wastewater treatment process that was first invented by Prof. Hallvard Degaard at University of Science and Technology in the latest of 1980s. The MBBR system consist of an aeration tank (similar to an activated sludge tank) with special plastic carriers that provide a surface here a biofilm can grow. the carriers are made of material with a density close to the density of water (1g/cm3). An example is high-density polyethylene (HDPE) which has a density close to 0,95 g/cm3. The carriers will be mixed in the tank by the aeration system and thus will have good contact between the substrate in the influent wastewater and the biomass on the carriers.

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