SEPGRID® Series (Grid Packing)

SEPGRID® series refers to structured packing in a form of grid. It has small surface area, high open area ratio,
low liquid resistance and, correspondingly, short time for liquid to be kept on the packing. Mainly, it provides
high efficiency, low pressure drop and resistance to mud (dust, tar etc.)
- High free area rate;
- High operation capacity;
- Minimal pressure drop;
- Low loquid resistance;
- Resistance to mud;
- Increase in operation time.
- Crude vacuum distillation unit: washing section;
- Main fractionator of catalytic cracking;
- Coker unit or viscosity breaking unit: washing section;
- Cooling, cleaning as well as desulphurising of coal gas;
- Cooling, cleaning as well as desulphurising of coking gas.