Preparation of documents for the declarant

Preparation of documents for the declarant

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Features Preparation of documents for the declarant

BTS Engineering
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Your goods are already arriving or have arrived in the country, but you don't know how to do customs clearance? Or perhaps you have found a declarant/broker, and he asks you to send documents you have never heard of? What to do when you have sold goods abroad and do not know how to legally ship them in compliance with all the procedures required by law? We offer solutions to all the options and even more. The first option is that we find a responsible broker/declarant who will not only do their job efficiently, but will also periodically inform you in detail about the status of customs clearance. We then prepare all the necessary documents for the broker, including translations of contracts, invoices, addenda to contracts, drafting technical descriptions, and preparing certificates of transport. The second option is that you provide the contacts of your declarant, and we work in the same way directly with them. These services are provided for all types of customs declarations.

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