The horizontal single stage centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling
Maximum capacity m3 / h (l / min) 3.4 (56.6)
The maximum pressure, m: 7
The maximum viscosity of the fluid cSt 200 (details are on the water)
The maximum density of the liquid (depending on the power of the electric motor), kg / m3 1900
The temperature of the working fluid, ° C, max. +50 (polypropylene housing), max. +80 (building Kinari)
Class pressure: PN4
Connection: BSP 1 "ext. / BSP 1/2" b.
Materials used - polypropylene, Kinari
Maximum system pressure - 5 bar
Maximum temperature of liquid: +50 ° C for the polypropylene shell + 80 ° C for the housing of Kinari
Material sealing: EPDM to polypropylene shell, VITON for housing with Kinari
Bearing housing - Ceramics
Wheel bearings - PTFEC
Bearings - PTFEC
Val - ceramics
Wheel diameter - 78 mm, corresponding to the pump housing material (polypropylene or Kinari)
Electric motors are selected according to performance curves.
The complete set of standard electric motors AT