The BGWB series pump is a centrifugal explosion-proof pump for pumping diesel fuel, gasoline, petroleum products, diesel fuel, an analog of KM.
Monoblock centrifugal electric pumps with explosion-proof motor of the KM type, designed for pumping gasoline and other liquid petroleum products at temperatures from -40 to + 50°C, with a density of not more than 1000 kg/m3, a viscosity of 0.55 to 100 mm2/s, with a content of solid suspended particles in the amount of not more than 0.2% and a size of not more than 0.2 mm. The pumps are designed for operation in explosive areas of premises and outdoor installations of classes where explosive mixtures of combustible gases or gasoline vapors with air belonging to categories IIA and IIB, and explosion hazard groups T1, T2, T3, T4 can form.
In pumps for petroleum products or mixtures, the working bodies of the pump part are made of chrome-plated cast iron, the wheel in two versions is cast iron or stainless steel O-rings and a mechanical seal made of resistant rubber, a special single or double mechanical seal is used. Asynchronous three-phase explosion-proof electric motor.
Pump for pumping diesel fuel and gasoline, analog of KM pumps three-phase explosion-proof industrial.
Due to the low weight and small dimensions of the industrial pump, it can be used as a mobile pump or mobile pump.
Connection to fuel lines – flanges.
It is not allowed to operate the pump without liquid, "in dry". Before switching on the pump, all pipelines and the pump part must be filled with the pumped liquid.
The pump must be operated in accordance with all labor protection and fire safety regulations.
Documentation BGWB 150-400c (160/32), 22kW, 1480 Ex horizontal centrifugal pump
Download instructions, catalog for BGWB 150-400c (160/32), 22kW, 1480 Ex horizontal centrifugal pump