Reduction of electricity consumption, compressor and refrigeration equipment

Reduction of electricity consumption, compressor and refrigeration equipment

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Features Reduction of electricity consumption, compressor and refrigeration equipment

BTS Engineering
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Due to the increase in electricity consumption, as well as its cost, manufacturers, including refrigeration equipment, face the question of reducing the cost of its payment. The main ways to increase energy efficiency for refrigeration units are: the use of electric expansion valves; the use of frequency converters to regulate the speed of rotation of compressor shafts and fans; reducing the temperature difference between media in heat exchangers; modernization of cooling systems after 10 years of operation; correct selection of refrigerating agent; various ways of regulating boiling and condensation pressure. It follows from the above that the efficiency of refrigeration equipment can be improved: by making changes to the design of the system, by choosing the optimal algorithm of operation.

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