Checking the centering of drive machines and mechanisms During the operation of high-speed drive machines and mechanisms, as well as after their installation before the first start-up, there is a need for high-precision centering of the machine, which is connected to the drive by means of various drive couplings. For example, centering the shafts of an electric motor with a pump, compressor, fan, unit, etc. In particular, this need for high-precision centering is due to the high-speed characteristics of the equipment, as a rule, the rotation speed of the shafts should be in the range from 1000 rpm to 3000 rpm and higher. The operation of the equipment with the absence of shaft alignment is dangerous and can lead to a number of negative consequences, namely: § increase in the level of vibration (vertical, horizontal) of the unit; § increase in energy consumption of the unit due to increased friction in the main nodes; § excessive heating of bearings (sliding or ball bearings); § due to depressurization of the body of the lubricating grease leakage; § damage to supporting structures, breakage of anchor bolts; § premature failure of the clutch connection, bearing units, end and gland seals; § emergency stop of the unit. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out laser centering of the shafts (alignment check) in a timely manner - the process of correcting the position of the axes of the rotating elements of the mechanism relative to each other - in accordance with the necessary norms and tolerances. Laser alignment devices allow relatively quickly and qualitatively not only to indicate the negative alignment of the half-coupling of the machine and the drive, but also to provide the necessary instructions to specialists on what needs to be done to correct it with an accuracy of no more than 0.03 mm. The centering of the shaft connection is recommended to be carried out, as a rule, after installing new equipment, after connecting the equipment with pipelines and fittings, after completing repair work on the equipment, if there is increased noise and vibration during the operation of the equipment, if the temperature of the bearing units rises above the norm. The main indicator of unit misalignment is, first of all, an increase in vibration in the places of shaft supports, bearing assemblies, in places where the unit is attached to the foundation or the foundation frame. With the correct centering of the unit, vibration (vibration speed) in the range of 4 to 7 mm2/sec is allowed. If the unit vibrates above the specified level, it is necessary to immediately stop the unit and check with instruments the amount of misalignment of the shafts of the mechanisms. The principle of operation of the system consists in measuring the movements of the laser beam along the window of the receiver-detector when turning the shafts, with measuring blocks installed on them. In order for the system to perform the calculation, it is necessary to enter data in three positions of the shafts of the mechanisms, for example, 9 - 12 - 3 o'clock. That is, it is enough to turn the shafts within 180º. If the design features of the machines do not allow turning the shafts with the measuring blocks installed on them by 180º,the device provides the possibility of entering data in three positions when turning the shafts to an angle less than 120º. After checking the misalignment of the shafts of machine mechanisms with the help of high-precision laser alignment, an action plan is developed to eliminate the deficiencies, as a result of which a decision is made to perform the alignment process of misaligned equipment.