Vibration diagnostics of pumping, compressor and ventilation equipment of enterprises

Vibration diagnostics of pumping, compressor and ventilation equipment of enterprises

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Features Vibration diagnostics of pumping, compressor and ventilation equipment of enterprises

BTS Engineering
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Vibration diagnostics of drive machines and mechanisms. Vibrodiagnostics of equipment is a method of checking the reliability and operability of mechanisms, machines, and aggregates, which is based on the analysis of vibration of mechanisms, which allows to clarify their technical condition. This diagnostic method allows you to detect malfunctions of nodes and mechanisms at the earliest stages, to estimate the working life of the equipment. Vibration diagnostics is performed for engines, gearboxes, fans, turbines, bearing units, compressors, pumps and other equipment. The information obtained during diagnostic work is used for: • Improving the operation of the equipment; • Improving the quality of technical maintenance of units; • Increasing the safety of operative and service personnel; • Detection of equipment malfunctions in the very initial period; • Reducing the number of breakdowns and reducing production stoppages; • Increasing the service life of the equipment; • Improving the quality of trouble-free operation of machines. Vibrodiagnostics reduces subsequent repair costs by almost 30%, increases the efficiency of equipment use and extends its service life, and energy costs are reduced by 15%. You can also significantly save on the purchase of consumables, spare parts and human resources for repairs. To determine the vibration speed at various points of the equipment during operation, portable measuring devices, so-called vibrometers, are used. The results of the measurements are recorded in the protocol, after which the data are analyzed by specialists. The reasons for the increased vibration may be the imbalance of the rotating parts of the mechanism, or the misalignment of the electric drive and the drive machine during operation, which can be determined using laser alignment. Decisions about further actions after a detailed analysis of the results of vibration diagnostics should be made exclusively by specialists and authorized representatives of the company's services.

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