Our highly-qualified staff offers the following design services:
Company developed more than 100 different projects in Ukraine and over the sea.
The most interesting and presentable projects we participated in, are as follows:
At the moment we are designing:
3D plant designing BTS-ENGINEERING performs plant designing
Circulation water supply system
Flow charts of circulation water supply system facilities
Designing of microfiltration ceramic membrane unit
Designing and revamping of boiler
BTS-ENGINEERING performs designing and revamping of boiler houses
BTS-ENGINEERING performs designing of boiler houses which operate on different types of fuel, namely: natural and liquid gas, liquid fuel, wood, coal, etc. Factors affecting the choice of the fuel are the following: particular characteristics and the facility layout, intended operation mode, availability of different types of the fuel.
Calculation of boiler units is made after the detailed facility inspection considering customer preferences, facility features and boiler safety requirements.
Reconstruction of consumers goods shop building into a boiler house with installed capacity of 10 tons of steam per hour in 12 Fabrichna Street in Rovno.