Mill, dehulling, complex processing of corn 240 tons per day

Mill, dehulling, complex processing of corn 240 tons per day

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Features Mill, dehulling, complex processing of corn 240 tons per day

BTS Engineering
Productivity of raw materials, t/h
Power capacity, kW


The technology of complex processing of raw materials for an ethanol plant with a capacity of 9000 dal/day is proposed. The grain feedstock used for production is corn. The main types of commercial products of complex processing, which are planned to be produced by the plant: - Germ; - Flour (for ethanol production); - Bran. The hull protects the grain's internal particles from damage and contamination by microorganisms. Under the hull is the endosperm, protected by the aleurone layer, which consists of thick-walled cells. The endosperm consists of thick-walled cells filled with starch. The germ is located at the bottom of the grain and has an elongated shape. By weight, the elements of the grain are as follows: hulls - (6...8%), germ - (8...12%), endosperm - (80...83%). Valuable components of corn kernels - starch, protein and fat - are separated during processing and used to produce marketable products, feedstuffs and oil. The price is quoted on an EXW basis.

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