6,1T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of distillery stillage for a distillery 3000 dal/day

6,1T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of distillery stillage for a distillery 3000 dal/day

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Features 6,1T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of distillery stillage for a distillery 3000 dal/day

BTS Engineering
Power capacity, kW
Number of bodies, pcs
Initial dry matter content,%
Final dry matter content, %
The amount of evaporated moisture, kg/hour
6 100
Consumption of hot steam (6 bar), kg/h
1 700
Capacity, dal/day
3 000
yeast suspension, concentration of mono- and disaccharides (glucose, fructose, sucrose), corn syrup, citric acid, distillery stillage, drains, fruit juice
Analogue for


Vacuum evaporation plant for distillery stillage (centrate of distillery stillage) is designed to evaporate (concentrate) the product before feeding it to the drying unit. The principle of operation consists in the step-by-step removal of moisture from the initial product (native stillage or centrate of distillery stillage) in order to increase the concentration of dry substances. The process is carried out by sequential supply of the initial product from the housing to the housing in the installation and the gradual removal of moisture using process heat (live steam). Initial dry matter content,% - 3.5; Final dry matter content,% - 35; Number of bodies, pcs. - four; The amount of evaporated moisture, kg / hour - 6100; Live steam consumption (6 bar), kg / hour - 1700. Electricity consumption, kW / h - 87.

Documentation 6,1T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of distillery stillage for a distillery 3000 dal/day

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