12T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of centrate of alcohol stillage of an ethanol plant 6000 dal/day

12T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of centrate of alcohol stillage of an ethanol plant 6000 dal/day

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Features 12T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of centrate of alcohol stillage of an ethanol plant 6000 dal/day

BTS Engineering
Initial dry matter content,%
Final dry matter content, %
The amount of evaporated moisture, kg/hour
Country of Origin
Capacity, dal/day
yeast suspension, concentration of mono- and disaccharides (glucose, fructose, sucrose), corn syrup, citric acid, distillery stillage, drains, fruit juice
Analogue for


The purpose of the installation is the evaporation of centrate of alcohol stillage. After the distillery dreg is centrifuged at the decanter plant, it is divided into a cake (solid phase) and a centrate (liquid phase). The cake is then sent either for sale to the consumer, or for drying (to increase the shelf life). The fugate contains 3-4% of dry substances, which must be concentrated as much as possible by evaporation (extraction of moisture) on the VEU (vacuum evaporation unit) to a concentration of 25-30% of DS. Orienting equipment of the vacuum evaporation plant of the recycling shop: 1. Buffer capacity of the filtrate V= 150 m3 - 1 pc. 2. Evaporator 1 st F=180m2 - 1 pc. 3. Cyclone separator 1 st V= 20.0 m3-1 pc. 4. Circulation pump 1 st 11kw 1500 rpm - 2 pcs. 5. Evaporator 2 st F=350m2-1 pc. 6. Cyclone separator 2 st V= 22.0 m3-1 pc. 7. Circulation pump 2 st 18kW 1500 rpm - 2 pcs. 8. Evaporator 3 st F=300m2 - 2 pcs. 9. Cyclone separator 3 st V= 30.0 m3 - 1 pc. 10. Circulation pump 3 st 18kW 1500 rpm - 4 pcs. 11. Evaporator 4 st F=350m2 - 2 pcs. 12. Cyclone separator 4 st V= 25.0 m3 - 1 pc. 13. Circulator 4 st. screw - 2 pcs. 14. Evaporator 5 st F=300m2 - 3 pcs. 15. Cyclone separator 5 st V= 20.0 m3 - 1 pc. 16. Circulator 5 st. screw - 2 pcs. 17. The capacity of the condensate is secondary evaporation V= 2.0 m3 - 2 pcs. 18. The main capacitor F=300m2 - 3 pcs. 19. Balance capacities of syrup V= 22.0 m3 - 3 pcs. 20. The capacity of the SIP solution V= 20.0 m3 - 1 piece. 21. SIP pump 11kw 3000 rpm. - 1 pc. 22. Product screw pump 18kw 1500 rpm. - 2 pcs. 23. Condensate pump 5kw 3000 rpm - 10 pcs. 24. Vacuum pump type VVN 12-3 pcs. 25. Barometric capacitor - 2 pcs. 26. Manual fittings, valves, pipelines, fittings-set. 27. Field instruments (level, viscosity, pressure, vacuum-set 28. Cabinets of power equipment and control-set. 29. Exhaust fan - 2 pcs. 30. Instrument air compressor unit-1 pc. 31. Metal structures of service sites - set. 32. Thermal insulation - set.

Documentation 12T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of centrate of alcohol stillage of an ethanol plant 6000 dal/day

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