The purpose of the installation is the evaporation of centrate of alcohol stillage.
After the distillery dreg is centrifuged at the decanter plant, it is divided into a cake (solid phase) and a centrate (liquid phase). The cake is then sent either for sale to the consumer, or for drying (to increase the shelf life). The fugate contains 3-4% of dry substances, which must be concentrated as much as possible by evaporation (extraction of moisture) on the VEU (vacuum evaporation unit) to a concentration of 25-30% of DS.
Orienting equipment of the vacuum evaporation plant of the recycling shop:
1. Buffer capacity of the filtrate V= 150 m3 - 1 pc.
2. Evaporator 1 st F=180m2 - 1 pc.
3. Cyclone separator 1 st V= 20.0 m3-1 pc.
4. Circulation pump 1 st 11kw 1500 rpm - 2 pcs.
5. Evaporator 2 st F=350m2-1 pc.
6. Cyclone separator 2 st V= 22.0 m3-1 pc.
7. Circulation pump 2 st 18kW 1500 rpm - 2 pcs.
8. Evaporator 3 st F=300m2 - 2 pcs.
9. Cyclone separator 3 st V= 30.0 m3 - 1 pc.
10. Circulation pump 3 st 18kW 1500 rpm - 4 pcs.
11. Evaporator 4 st F=350m2 - 2 pcs.
12. Cyclone separator 4 st V= 25.0 m3 - 1 pc.
13. Circulator 4 st. screw - 2 pcs.
14. Evaporator 5 st F=300m2 - 3 pcs.
15. Cyclone separator 5 st V= 20.0 m3 - 1 pc.
16. Circulator 5 st. screw - 2 pcs.
17. The capacity of the condensate is secondary evaporation V= 2.0 m3 - 2 pcs.
18. The main capacitor F=300m2 - 3 pcs.
19. Balance capacities of syrup V= 22.0 m3 - 3 pcs.
20. The capacity of the SIP solution V= 20.0 m3 - 1 piece.
21. SIP pump 11kw 3000 rpm. - 1 pc.
22. Product screw pump 18kw 1500 rpm. - 2 pcs.
23. Condensate pump 5kw 3000 rpm - 10 pcs.
24. Vacuum pump type VVN 12-3 pcs.
25. Barometric capacitor - 2 pcs.
26. Manual fittings, valves, pipelines, fittings-set.
27. Field instruments (level, viscosity, pressure, vacuum-set
28. Cabinets of power equipment and control-set.
29. Exhaust fan - 2 pcs.
30. Instrument air compressor unit-1 pc.
31. Metal structures of service sites - set.
32. Thermal insulation - set.
Documentation 12T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of centrate of alcohol stillage of an ethanol plant 6000 dal/day
Download instructions, catalog for 12T vacuum evaporation plant for evaporation of centrate of alcohol stillage of an ethanol plant 6000 dal/day