Non-contact measurement.
The antenna system emits short microwave pulses and receives them as echo signals reflected from the surface of the product. The propagation time of signals from transmission to reception is proportional to the level of the product in the container. A special time expansion method allows extremely short periods of time to be measured with high accuracy. The signal transmitted to the electronic circuit is automatically converted into a level signal. Because microwaves travel very quickly, the time it takes for electromagnetic waves to reach their target and return to the receiver by reflection is almost instantaneous.
Radar technology has proven itself to be a real solution to problems in the field of level measurement. Now the compact radar sensor will gain an advantage in cost-sensitive applications. The sensor can be used especially for measuring the level in water turbines, at pumping stations, in drain chambers, for measuring the level in various types of containers, open trays, as well as in many other industries. The sensor is used for liquid measurement and maintenance-free use on small tanks or containers containing bulk products.