Metal rotary flow meter is suitable for measuring medium flow of small diameter and low flow rate; reliable operation, low maintenance, long service life; low requirements for straight pipe sections; wide flow ratio 10:1; two-line large LCD display, optional on-site instantaneous/cumulative flow display, sensitive single-axis backlit display; contactless magnetic transmission of communication; Metal rotameter of full metal construction, suitable for high temperature, high pressure and strong corrosive environments; Can be used in flammable and explosive situations.
When the liquid being measured passes through the ring formed by the cone and floats from bottom to top.
The pressure difference created at the top and bottom ends of the float generates the force to lift the float. When the lift of the float is greater than the weight of the float immersed in the liquid. The float rises. The area of the ring increases accordingly.
The fluid velocity in the annulus immediately drops. The pressure difference between the upper and lower ends of the float is reduced.
The lifting force acting on the float also decreases. Until the lifting force equals the weight of the float immersed in the liquid, the float stabilizes at a certain height.
The height of the float in the conical pipe and the flow rate through it correspond to each other.