
Recycling water supply systems

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Organization of a recycling water supply system for alcohol and bioethanol plants

Water for enterprises producing bioethanol and alcohol-is an integral part of the processes of preparing the batch and acts as the main carrier of cold in the enterprise.

In many enterprises, there are problems with the coolant for the technology, especially in the summer. Where water is used in the technology:

  • preparation of the batch
  • cooling of products, water supply to dephlegmators, condensers, heat exchangers of boiled wort, cooling to the fold temperature, yeast compartment, fermentation compartment, brew-rectification, etc.

Today, enterprises receive special permits for the extraction of artesian water for the needs of the enterprise. On average, 20% of pure water is consumed for the technology of preparing the batch, and 80% for cooling. How to properly build and optimize the consumption and efficient use of water in the enterprise?

BTS Engineering engineers and technologists will professionally perform your tasks and optimize the consumption of refrigerant – water for the needs of the technology as much as possible due to the recovery of process fluids, efficient heat and cold transfer on heat exchangers using closed circuits and separation by thermal load. One example of our work: an enterprise with a capacity of 3000 dal per day: in the summer there was not enough cold-water. After the reconstruction of the water supply system, the company increased its capacity by 6000 dal per day.

Circulating water supply scheme
Circulating water supply scheme
Circulating water supply scheme
Circulating water supply scheme

Many modern production processes require the use of significant amounts of water, so the recycled water supply of enterprises is becoming more widespread. Such water supply systems are particularly relevant in the following industries:

  • enterprises of the metallurgical industry – the system of recycled water supply is actively used in gas purification processes. Water after use is significantly heated and contains many foreign inclusions. Typically, such a system uses three degrees of purification-cooling, settling and filtration. After that, the water is suitable for re-use in gas purification systems;
  • enterprises in the field of mechanical engineering – in this industry, the system of recycled water supply makes it possible to bring savings in the consumption of clean (intake) water to 90%, especially in the processes of galvanizing metals. In this case, water is reused both for the preparation of electrolyte solutions and for washing parts;
  • factories involved in the processing of oil. Here, modern technologies allow you to reuse up to 98% of the water involved in technological processes; food industry-purified water can be used for washing semi-finished products, as well as in cooling systems as a heat carrier;
  • The energy industry is primarily power plants, both thermal and nuclear power plants. Water, which is formed as a result of cooling and condensation of steam, can be used to fill the shortage for the main working process, as well as to remove heat from bearings, turbine oil, generators, etc.;
  • car washes-today, their operation is impossible without the installation of a whole complex of water treatment facilities, which include sedimentation tanks, oil traps, post-treatment filters, bio-calculators and turbo filters (rotation of the water flow allows you to filter out large particles of earth, as well as perform sand deposition). The recycled water supply of the car wash allows you to significantly reduce the amount of used intake water.
Vertical pumps for cooling towers of recirculating water supply units
Circulating water supply scheme
Circulating water supply system

Depending on the source of water supply, there is a distinction between water pipelines that are supplied with natural surface or underground water, as well as treated wastewater (for industrial water supply). As a rule, the use of drinking-quality groundwater for needs that are not related to domestic drinking water supply is not allowed. In areas where there are no surface water sources and there are sufficient reserves of underground water of drinking quality, it is allowed to use these waters for the purposes of industrial water supply with the permission of the bodies for the regulation, use and protection of water. At the same time, first of all, water should be provided to production facilities that require water with a temperature of no more than 15°C for technological needs.

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IRG BGL 25-125 (4/20), 0,75kW, 2880 centrifugal vertical pump — BTS Engineering
IRG BGL 25-125 (4/20), 0,75kW, 2880 centrifugal vertical pump — BTS Engineering
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