This webpage is devoted namely to application of baromembrane (hereafter referred to as BM) technologies/processes for processing both liquid and vapour media.
There is no trying to give a general evaluation of BM technology application in different branches of industry; we talk ONLY about our positive experience in applying BM technologies/processes. Our major experience refers to using ceramic and polymeric membranes.
If to speak in general, BM technologies/processes allow separating the inlet/feed stream at the required level of selectivity into the following:
Depending on the main technology, not only permeate, but also concentrate can be considered a useful product. Even in our experience, it is not infrequent that both permeate and concentrate are used in the technological cycles.
In our practice we use BM processes to solve the following two main problems, which occur during the inlet/feed stream treatment:
Liquid samples after treatment by ceramic membranes:
Liquid samples after treatment by ceramic membranes:
Liquid samples after treatment by ceramic membranes: