Let's consider an example of energy consumption (hot steam) by brew and distillation columns at a plant of 3000 dal. The scheme of operation is shown in Figure 1. The total consumption of energy resources by two columns is: heat energy in the form of hot steam 46 kg / dal; cold in the form of recycled water 42 kW / dal. Working with the use of a recuperative scheme (using secondary heat) allows you to save thermal energy in the form of hot steam for heating the mash column and part of the energy for cooling the distillation column. The total consumption of energy resources by two columns in the recuperative scheme is: heat energy in the form of hot steam 26 kg / dal; cold in the form of recycled water 26 kW / dal. That is, the savings only on the use of recuperation on the bundle of Distillation column-Brew column is: heat energy in the form of hot steam 20 kg / dal; cold in the form of recycled water 16 kW / dal. Application of recovery on six columns of distillation system 3000 The total consumption of sharp steam of a six-column distillation system when working under atmospheric pressure is from 60-68 kg / dal. The consumption of six-column distillation system when working under excessive pressure and vacuum (using recuperation) is 30-34 kg / dal. With the introduction of an energy-saving scheme at the plant with a capacity of 3000 dal / day, the daily savings amount to 102 tons of hot steam/ day, which in terms of natural gas is 8160 m3 / day at a cost of natural gas of $ 330. US $ / thousand m3 daily savings are from 2 500 US $ / day. Annual savings start at $ 800,000.