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Equipment for DDGS drying section

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Drying stillage in DDGS production is necessary to extend the shelf life of a valuable nutritious product, which is actually the distillery stillage itself. For the drying process (moisture extraction), drying units of various designs are used. The most popular ones are fluidized bed drying, rotary plate drying, drum dryer.

Dry stillage, grain stillage, alcohol stillage, dry alcoholic stillage, post-alcohol stillage, dry distillery stillage, dry fodder fortifier, DDGS

Dry distilling, grain distilling, ethanol distilling, dry ethanol distilling, grain alcohol stillage, dry grain alcohol stillage, dry fortificant fodder, DDGS

It is used in allowance for all animals (pigs, large cattle), chickens and fish, has a lot of micro adding and does not include harm solutions, admixtures.

    This product consists:
  • Highly-digestible bun/protein (the part of protein is 32%-35%).
  • Rich amino acids content (L-tryptophan, lysine, methionine, cystine, threonine).
  • Large content of vitamins (nicotinic and folic acids, biothinum, choline and provitamin D2 – ergosterine), macro- and microelements, phosphor, carbon-hydrates.

The content of protein, amino acids, macro- and microelements, that plays a great role in animals metabolism and growth, is much bigger in DDGS than in majority of other feeding products. The product makes possible to cheapen the prime cost of the fodders and reach the economy while fattening up.

Drying stillage in DDGS

The process of DDGS treatment

DDGS consist around 6-9% of dry solids, depending on quality of the raw, inflowing on the technology. Crude protein, nitrogen-free extracts, suet, cellulose, alkali, vitamins and microelements, consisting in grain raw inflows to DDGS.

To use the DDGS in liquid state is not always rational because of the problems with holding - proteins, consisted of DDGS, become dissolve soon and it’s transportation on the long distances is not economically profitable.

With a purpose of full using of DDGS, as the highly-nutritious fodder, it is proposed the multi-leveled refinery with receiving the line of market products, that are used as the feedstuff for farm animals, and adding it to concentrated feedstuff.

Decanter centrifuge with the capacity 40 tn/hour

Decanter centrifuge with the capacity 40 tn/hour

The drier with the capacity 2,5 tn/hour of evaporable moisture on assembly stage

The drier with the capacity 2,5 tn/hour of evaporable moisture on assembly stage

DDGS inflows on the decanter (horizontal centrifuge), where is divided on solids – cake (more than 40 % absolutely dry solutions, nextly – absolutely dry solids) and liquid – centrate (5,1% of absolutely dry solids).

Cake can be turned out as the market product, but its shelf-life is limited by 12 hours. That is why the drying with a purpose of receiving DDGS is more effective. The centrate, for the following utilization and increasing of its quality as the market product, is condensed on the ultra filtration unit for receiving another market product – concentrate (20…30% of absolutely dry solids ). It is possible to outtake the concentrate, as the self-consistent market product, on fodder for animal stock. But with a purpose of improvement of nutritious qualities of protein-vitamin concentrate, it is mixed with cake and then dehydrated.

Membrane unit for the filtrate of DDGS division and condensation

Membrane unit for the filtrate of DDGS division and condensation

DDGS inflows on the decanter (horizontal centrifuge)
DDGS inflows on the decanter (horizontal centrifuge)
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