Pressure sensor

Pressure sensors or pressure switch are special Electromechanical automatics that have a contact system that changes its position when the maximum controlled pressure value is reached. Pressure switches are used for:

  • hydraulic systems (maintaining the oil level in the printing press, crane, etc.);
  • boilers (in the heating system to maintain the water or steam level in the required pressure range);
  • pumps (for monitoring their operation);
  • marine sector (oil pressure monitoring in water-oil separators and diesel engines for oil pressure monitoring);
  • industrial applications (vacuum systems, compressors, cooling systems, filter monitoring and water treatment).
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IRG BGL 25-125 (4/20), 0,75kW, 2880 centrifugal vertical pump — BTS Engineering
IRG BGL 25-125 (4/20), 0,75kW, 2880 centrifugal vertical pump — BTS Engineering
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